Honey is produced from the nectar of flowers and tree blossom and varies in colour according to its source. Honey producers and blenders have their own colour scale which is used to gauge its market price, and in the case of blenders, to standadise their product. Syrups used in cough mixtures are often coloured for recognition purposes and sugar when refined is required to be colourless.
Comparator System 2000, Visual Grading Single Scale, 2-Field Visual Measurement for Sugar Solutions, Syrups and Honey
Lovibond PFXi-195 Series Spectrophotometric Colorimeters with Remote Calibration for Sugar Solutions, Syrups and Honey
Lovibond PFXi-880,- 950, -995 Series Spectrophotometric Colorimeters with Extended Path Length & Optional Heater for Sugar Solutions, Syrups and Honey
Lovibond LC 100 & SV 100 Spectrocolorimeter Hand-Held Imaging Spectrocolorimeter for Sugar Solutions, Syrups and Honey