Visco Baths

ME- 31A - Visco Bath

JULABO Visco Baths are used for precise temperature applications with capillary viscometers and density meters within the bath tank. The units offer high temperature accuracy and optimal temperature distribution throughout the bath.

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ME-16G - Visco Bath

JULABO Visco Banyoları, banyo tankındaki kılcal viskozimetre ve yoğunluk ölçer ile hassas sıcaklık uygulamaları için kullanılır. Üniteler, banyo boyunca yüksek sıcaklık doğruluğu ve optimum sıcaklık dağılımı sunar.

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ME-18V - Visco Bath

JULABO Visco Baths are used for precise temperature applications with capillary viscometers and density meters within the bath tank. The units offer high temperature accuracy and optimal temperature distribution throughout the bath.


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