Lovibond MD 200 Fotometre
Çok yönlü, kompakt ve masa üstü fotometre MD 200, yüksek kaliteli filtreleri ve sabit LED'leri ile hangi ortamda kullanırsanız kullanın, her zaman hassas ölçüm sonuçları verir
Test parametrelerini görüntülemek için lütfen model isimlerine tıklayınız
Single |
Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The COD test is performed with tube reagents. |
COD HR TT 200 - 15000 mg/l CODb) |
Single |
With this low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the ozone test. |
Ozone T 0.02 - 2 mg/l O3 |
2in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, tablet reagents (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The Cl/pH test is performed with tablet reagents. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
2in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, liquid reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Liquid reagents can be used for the Cl/pH test |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
2in1 |
MD 200 Copper (Biquinolin), pH, tablet reagents (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The copper/pH test is performed with tablet reagents. |
Copper T 0.05 - 5 mg/l Cua) |
2in1 |
MD 200 Hydrogen peroxide, pH, liquid reagents With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Liquid reagents can be used for the H2O2/pH test. |
H2O2 HR L 40 - 500 mg/l H2O2 |
3in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Bromine, tablet reagents (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The Cl/pH/bromine test is carried out with tablet reagents. |
Bromine T 0.05 - 13 mg/l Br2 |
3in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, tablet reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the Cl/pH/CyA test. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
3in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The Cl/pH test is performed with liquid reagents. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
3in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Acid capacity KS4.3, tablet reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the Cl/pH/acid capacity test. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
3in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Acid capacity KS4.3, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The Cl/pH test is performed with liquid reagents. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
3in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity-m, tablet reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the Cl/pH/alkalinity m-test. |
Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 |
3in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity-m, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ) Measuring device for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The Cl/pH test is performed with liquid reagents. |
Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 |
4in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Acid capacity KS4.3, tablet reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance device you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the Cl/pH/CyA/acid capacity test. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
4in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Acid capacity KS4.3, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The Cl/pH test is performed with liquid reagents. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
4in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, tablet reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the Cl/pH/CyA/Alkalität-m-Test. |
Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 |
4in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis. The Cl/pH test is performed with liquid reagents. |
Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 |
4in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Acid capacity KS4.3, Urea, tablet reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance device you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents are provided for the Cl/pH/acid capacity/urea test. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
4in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, Chlorine dioxide, pH, Acid capacity KS4.3, tablet reagents (OTZ) Measuring instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis with tablet reagents for Cl/ClO2pH/acid capacity. |
Chlorine dioxide T 0.02 - 11 mg/l ClO2 |
5in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Acid capacity KS4.3, Calcium hardness, tablet reagents (OTZ) With this low-maintenance instrument you can achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis with tablet reagents for Cl/pH/CyA/acid capacity/calcium hardness. |
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a) |
5in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, Calcium hardness, tablet reagents (OTZ) Instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis with tablet reagents for Cl/pH/CyA/alkalinity-m/Calcium hardness. |
Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 |
6in1 |
With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis with tablet reagents for Cl/bromine/pH/CyA/acid capacity/calcium hardness. |
Bromine T 0.05 - 13 mg/l Br2 |
6in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, Bromine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, Calcium hardness, tablet reagents (OTZ) Instrument for precise results with low-maintenance technology in all areas of water analysis with tablet reagents for Cl/bromine/pH/CyA/alkalinity-m/Calcium hardness. |
Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 |
6in1 |
MD 200 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, Copper, Iron, tablet reagents (OTZ) With the low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis with tablet reagents for Cl/pH/CyA/alkalinity-m/copper/iron. |
Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 |
MD 110 Fotometre | Bluetooth Teknolojili , MD 100 Fotometre, lovibond, tintometre su analiz cihazı, renk tayini, renk ölçümü, renk tayin cihazı, renk analiz cihazı, lovibond model f, lovibond pfxi, laboratuvar cihazı, renk ölçüm cihazı, ET 750 Floc Test Cihazı, EComparator Su Renk Analizi, EC 2000 Pt-Co, su renk analizi, lovibond, tintometre su analiz cihazı, renk tayini, renk ölçümü, renk tayin cihazı, renk analiz cihazı, lovibond model f, lovibond pfxi, laboratuvar cihazı, renk ölçüm cihazı, tintometre, tintometer, ET 730 Floc Test Cihazı, ET 740 Floc Test Cihazı, Kolorimetre ve Fotometreler, kolorimetre, fotometre, lovibond MD100, lovibond MD100 fotometre, MD 110 Fotometre, lovidond MD 110 Fotometre, MD 200 Fotometre, lovidond MD 200 Fotometre